What I'm Working on Now -
This is Starsky from the Winter '05 Knitty. This is the back and a partial front. The back is just pinned out so it can have it's picture taken. I'm sure it will look better after it's blocked.
This is a partial Pomatomus sock from the same edition of Knitty. I'm doing it in one of the many balls of Opal I have loitering in my knitting room. I like the way the design is turning out and, while I thought at the beginning I'd have to keep my eyes constantly on the pattern, it's now become more obvious and easy to tell what I should do from looking at the row before.
This is the Somewhat Cowl. I'm using Stahl Limbo superwash. (Bonus points for using stash yarn!) I plan to make 3/4 sleeves or full length, if I have enough yarn. It's going pretty quickly. I'm going to focus on this one so I can have the gratification that comes with finishing something. It's been months since I've actually finished something.
Your fledgling Pomaomus looks great. I love those colors!
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